Thrilldom day in Kansas City yesterday. I spent two weeks last fall doing author visits in schools in Liberty, MO, where the kids, teachers, and librarians are grand. It turned out I visited a school where one of the families had met me several years ago–in Michigan–when I was doing an author visit. (I didn’t get the automotive connection until I chatted with people in Liberty.) Yesterday, I went back to that family’s house for an elegant tea with some of the girls I met at Shoal Creek School.
After we had tea and cookies and conversation, the girls put together a fashion show with their dolls. Then I had to leave to drive south to Overland Park–through a whoosh of snow–for a book signing at a bustling B&N there.
Wow. That’s about all I can say. Great staff. Great signing. Great kids. Great faces.
I talked to the girls about things they like to do outside. An impressive number named bugs as the things they find in their explorations. They told me they like dolls and books…just as I did (starting when I was only two years old).
And sometimes they like to play with their dolls outside, which my sisters and I did all the time.
Garden + doll = two pretty great things for any kid!
I was lucky that my childhood was full of books, dolls, gardens, and all the imaginative games my sisters and I could invent.