Wowee. Recently, my siblings and I (and our families) raised and donated half of the money necessary to plant a library in the neighborhood of Addis Ababa where we spent so many fascinating childhood days. An adoptive family donated the other half in honor of their son’s birth mother.
Today, we got to see pictures of the new library for the very first time. In all of these schools where Ethiopia Reads has planted libraries, kids learn to read–without then having anything to read. Reading, as I wrote a few days ago, gives us strong, brave hearts, which made all the difference for my mom who grew up poor in Iowa and lived a big, wide life because of books.
Yes, she was the one with the inside
genes in my family. She was the one reading on camping trips (and putting on lipstick). We knew she went along reluctantly with all of Dad’s energetic outside adventures. But I’m proud to say that when she decided to be part of the Ethiopia adventure, she leaped in feet first. During every year we were there, she gave us curiosity, gave us books, gave us words, gave us delight in reading and stories.
What did (or does) your mom give you? What do you have the power to give back?